What I Miss - Attention Generation Y!

If you were born anywhere between early 80s to mid 90s, we belong to the same cohort. We may not agree on everything here but I will make sure you will nod at the least once as you scan through this. I try not to beat ourselves up - will do my best!

Lets begin from seguing into adult life after passing those teen years when from all sides of our existence we hear only one voice - you have got to be successful. Its like if you fail, that is going to be an end of all of it. Failure is just never appreciated which obviously may not be a learning process in that case. Whilst having all those varied array of options; we are under a constant pressure to be 'the best'. Competitiveness and ambitiousness are instilled right from the beginning; which is not a bad thing after all - if its coming from a place embodying some meaning to it. Else you are just a yuppie who will die one day without being remembered at all - let alone in good or bad words. Will come to this later in here!

So with humongous expectations from the life ahead; we are puffed up with some not-so-necessary self-entitlement which plays a huge role in shaping our overall life there after. The idea of how we deserve everything we desire makes us narcissist which ultimately pushes us into denial. We tend to believe that living with fantasy lessens the suffering and therefore this state of denial ultimately leads to constant chasing of desires with a hope gleaming which fades out - sooner or later.

What do you miss?

I miss the authenticity of life that has lost somewhere in the idea of being it all and turning out to be nothing, after all is said and done. In my view everything is 'nothing' because it bears no significance when it is measured in terms of its value on a bigger scale. Confining ourselves to the walls of a classroom and then getting restricted to that cubicle if is translating our efforts only into things that barely matter in long run - then we my friend are just down to the wire. In this case our competitor is time against which we are sure to lose.

I crave for the the focus to be drawn to the intrinsic factors as honesty, empathy and integrity (ironically now antiquate cliche) while keeping the extrinsic factors at the bare-minimum when gauging the success. We being bothered about changing lives around us for better than we being worried on what we may miss on Netflix tonight.

I most definitely miss sincere and stable relationships that override blind selfishness and fragile bonds. We believing in the notion of considering only that someone our friend who has been there but at the same time completely discounting our own-selves on the same principle makes me abundantly worried on how we intend to form an equation with another breathing existence absolutely like us. Stability of relationships down-sliding as compared to financial stability is certainly bringing gloom to me. Really, having feelings should not set the alarm bells ringing and hurting someone should definitely make us feel bad about ourselves. I am bothered about the numbness and indifference that exists when it comes to others while we are most definitely active in screaming on top of our lungs if even minutely anything goes wrong - as much as getting stuck in the traffic jam.

I miss on urging to be better human as opposed to looking better. I really feel there exists a void when pricey cosmetic surgery can make us feel better about ourselves but feeding a mouth lying on the pavement and asking for help is not our responsibility.

I regret to admit the loss of sense of responsibility especially as we go up the ladder since economic viability supersedes the vision for human race.

Above all, however coming in the last; I miss how we would still function as humans before all this tech galore. Come on! how can we just not realize on how we are going about our lives by allowing technology define the most part of our day, week, month, year - life is slipping by in this abyss of sham without us having to realize what we are missing on.

Being rich and famous and all that social status is not everything and it does not determine success  unless has a meaning to it!

I hope we all Millennials would want to start to think about leaving a legacy while we are fresh and enjoy looking back to it when we get to our ripe old age.

I saw you nodding!

About the Author: Believes in herself!


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