7 Reasons Why Productive People Lead A Better Life Than Busy People!

Being busy and being productive are two different things altogether. You can be busy and not be able to produce any remarkable results. You may be spending long hours at office and still not matching the expectations of your boss. More so, you are missing out on all the fun as well. You seem to cringe a little on how time is running by so fast and despite your serious efforts you are just NOT there. All work and no play pretty much defines the core of it.

While there are people who are excelling at work, spending super quality time with their family and friends and so much so that have taken up a number of hobbies and still don't feel burnt out. Who are they? Super heroes? 

Well, no they are just like you, ordinary and usual, nevertheless, have chosen to function in an extraordinary manner. What sets them apart are the following highlights of their characteristics:

1. Goal Oriented:
Setting a goal and working towards it is their special quality. Work goals, relationship goals, parenting goals or fitness goals.Can be anything. However, they don't stop once they reach their targets. Their goals are smart and nothing can stop them once they are at it. Idea of failing is not in their books and they go an extra mile in achieving what they have aimed for. 

2. Mind Decluttered:
Their minds are not occupied with unnecessary stuff. They have NO space for anything that is not helpful to them or is a hindrance to their progress. Anything meaningless or trivial is not going to catch their attention let alone make a room in their minds.

3. Prioritization:
First things first. They are well organised and know well the degree of importance their different aspects of life bear. Going to watch a football game in lieu of preparing for the next day's meeting is NOT their idea of classic prioritization. They know football game is more fun when they are all set for tomorrow morning's meeting.

4. Balanced:
A well-balanced approach makes them enjoy every aspect of life. Not only they are focused on what they are doing but also know how to keep things on an even keel.

5. Control:
They are in complete control of their lives because they know what they want and what they don't want. They know when to slow down and when to pace up, when to take a break and  when to put all cylinders on fire. Basically, they control their minds and hence are in control of their actions, behavior and attitude. They know well what to take up and when to say no.

6. Not Always Busy Not Always Available:
Unlike 'busy' people who have filled up  their lives to the fullest with everything important and unimportant, their inclination is towards seeing the bigger picture. They don't believe in missing out something important for something not important.

7. Dream Big:
Lastly, they are not the  ones who live all their lives being stuck in the same rut and producing same monotonous results. They believe in producing more and better and therefore they are the ones who end up dreaming big. Their benchmark is always set higher and they strive to go for the higher and the better.

So, if you catch yourself thinking or saying that your schedule is  always packed to take time out for a work-out session or a movie date with your sister, you know its time to start measuring your results. 

About the Author: Believes in herself!


  1. After this blog i need to focus on my workout goal

  2. "Look busy do nothing" xD
    well written


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