Compassion - A Universal Moral Being Overlooked!

Home. Neighborhood. City. Country. World. 

I want you to leave everything right now and think your role in the aforementioned respective places. I reckon you are thinking harder now. Few of you have managed to see yourself going beyond home. Fewer beyond neighborhood and fewest beyond your city.

Selfish enough? 

Some of you will not want to be termed as selfish for not doing anything that goes out in the benefit of a large number of people because of the following main reasons:

a) I am too occupied with my stuff going on in my life and even if I want to find time for all the community work, I am unable to do it.

b)World is already too messed up with all sorts of bad stuff and my actions alone are not going to create any difference.

c) Onus is on the people we give our votes to as they are the ones who are running the institutes and govern policies and are in reality predominantly responsible in bringing about the change on a bigger scale.
   Ever heard, how a journey begins with a small step? Guess, hiding behind one or more excuses, we have never thought about taking THAT small step. Creating a difference that lasts long is somewhat not our one of the main objectives of life - rightfully credited to our myopic vision.

Generous largesse being seen in the places where they are least required while homeless and sick hardly get to afford the basic necessities of life. Our indifference and limited-to-ourselves-approach has somewhat created a disharmony in the haves and have-nots of the society. This has resulted in an alarmingly high crime rate and lots of other social issues.

Constantly decaying morally, we have somewhat decided to keep running after more and more, while not bothering to return even the smallest chunk of what we enjoy. Sense of obligation towards others is so little that we have completely derided the whole concept of ‘being human’. 

Where is the world heading to with all what is not wanted – usually comes across our sane minds. However, never has it occurred that we can do something, just a tiny bit of something to make things better. Worrying and fretting on how we can achieve all what we desire and aim for needs to be replaced with what we are going to do once we have achieved it all. At the end of the day it is actually not how accomplished we are with all what we have got but what have we done with all that we have achieved. 

We are cognizant of the fact that human instinct to survive is our most powerful drive. However, lest we forget that our day-to-day survival holds NO value if it is not meaningful. 

Sponsor someone’s education or help anyone out or plant a tree or follow the traffic rules or just ignite the spark of compassion – do something, do anything that is not limited to yourself.

We sure do not want to lie in our death beds thinking we ate and dressed well and that was our idea of living well. Do we?

About the Author: Believes in herself!


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