How Number of Thumbs-Up Are Destroying Our Self Worth!

Where networking on social media has brought the people closer, only on virtual level, it certainly has given rise to a tons of complexities. While the growing impact of social media on the quality of relationships and interaction has been extensively discussed, only few of us have identified the horrendous downside of it.

Yes, I am talking about the number of likes and other sorts of acknowledgements that one receives on the content we post. Its SAD on how we seek validation from others on things we believe in. If we don't get sufficient acknowledgement, we go through that 'May be its not as good as I had thought' feel while we get a chest-thumping feel on getting a big round of virtual applause.

Instant pleasure that we derive in receiving a higher number of likes tells quite alot about our deep association of our identity and stature determined by and at the social network. As if those fashion magazines making barbie like frame a woman's ultimate goal or a specific whiskey brand making a man very manly or having a thigh gap or securing those perfect six pack abs weren't enough that we decided on letting the number of likes gain even more control over ourselves.

I think never in the history we have been involved in such destructive competition where everyone wants to look and sound better than the others. Mending our soul, our within, has become an impossible task as everyone is busy in showing to the world how amazingly beautiful they are on the outside (focus is only on the exterior) and what really should be posted so that everyone cheers us and we bag maximum number of likes.

I believe we have all boxed ourselves and are not willing to open up in a natural way. As human interaction has taken a huge paradigm shift, people have lost the value of uniqueness, individuality and have stopped to know the significance of being 'REAL'.

We have literally stopped on making the moments perfect as all our energies are focused on making our selfies perfect. Moments of joy are killed by the desperation to capture them in a perfect shot so that we can enjoy maximum likes.

Snatching our own joys from ourselves because of some competition that exists in our heads is the worst thing we are doing to ourselves.

Believe me, thats going no where except to a meaningless competition keeping us in a constant state of feeling  'How can I show to the world I meet all those standards that THEY have defined for me'.

I really am unaware whats in there for the future generations but I can safely say in this day and age we are not concerned in living and are just trying too hard to fit into a certain criteria.

Next when you are celebrating your daughter's birthday or are out with your friends, stop consuming yourself on getting the perfect shot. Your selfie does not have to be perfect - you do, your moment does!

About the Author: Believes in herself!


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