7 Little Things You Need To Do Every Single Day!

Of all the things my favorite are the 'little ones'. Y'know those little things that are sometimes overlooked and sometimes underrated despite them bearing mind blowing significance. If you have gone way too immersed in your daily rut to not to think about much on how crazy you are running after one thing or another and skipping those itsy bitsy of things that could literally change the whole scenario of your day, take a pause and go through the following list of these seven small things that are no less than a potion.

1. Wake Up With A Sunny Attitude:
Feeling groggy and just rolled on to your side to push the snooze button on that painfully annoyingly ringing alarm clock? Just.Stop.Right.There. Get out of that bed of yours (no matter how romantically attached to it you are) thinking this is going to be a truly special day. Thought of your day being special will pump in all the positive and good vibe.

2. Be the First One To Greet:
I'm not a  morning person therefore you will only see my inner monster coming out if you dare talk to me you heard yourself saying once to someone, right? Set this 'morning person' thought aside as something that exists only in your head and doesn't have to do anything with reality. Greet everyone you meet with a big smile and see for yourself how the day rolls.

3. Tell Your Family How Much You Love Them:
Stop waiting for occasions to be an excuse to proclaim your love for your loved ones. Your mom or your partner or your kids - everyone wants to be loved by you. No worries if you are the closed type as there are thousands of ways to express your feelings; do it your way but DO IT! Simple compliments or those hugs go a long way.

4. Call Up An Old Friend You Forgot Exists In Your Phone Book:
There is this friend who has been on your mind of late but you just have been evasive about the idea of getting in touch with him. Take a moment, go through your phone book, there you find his number, call him up right away. Catch up with him. Talk to him. You will feel happy about reconnecting. Trust me when I tell you this.

5. Help Someone:
If you haven't done it till now, do it now. Can be anyone from your home to your workplace to a stranger. Just find a way of helping someone out. Doesn't have to be a financial help. Someone is low beat - cheer them up, an elderly is unable to cross the road - be the support; anything at all that could alter in a good way by your input - do it right away!

6. Get In Touch With The Mother Nature:
You were not born to stay confined within the four walls. Get out. Breathe in and breathe out. Help rejuvenate your whole body by getting in touch with the mother nature.

7. Talk to God:
Before you wind up and go back to your bed, call up God and talk to Him. You will get to know yourself better, Its the sort of meditation that works any given day.

Believe it or not these little things are not close to taking even half of your energy and time you put into other big stuff all day long.

Have a good day you all!

About the Author: Believes in herself!


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