7 Signs Of Highly Toxic People!

Coming across someone toxic makes you go through lots of emotions. It begins from getting angry at them to having pity on them and ends at completely ignoring them and giving up on them. Having them in your social circle is literally an agony and if you see the things getting not repaired in timely fashion, make every effort on removing them from your life or keeping things with them at the bare minimum unless you see them improving their behavior.

Besides the most talked about and known trait that is 'negativity' if you happen to find the following traits in someone - you know you are heading towards someone who is not a good news:

1. Inflexible
Inflexibility is their major characteristic. Even if they know you are right, they are never going to accept you or your point of view. Pull up  your socks if you are thinking to counter them or point out their wrong doings. You are NEVER going to make them understand things as they are not ready to see things from your perspective.

2. Soul Suckers:
They are going to use all your energies and drain out all the blood like to the last pint and will not even consider to at least thank you after devouring you. Mean, unhappy and ungrateful people they are, no? Get in the covers already. You are too drained out. No kidding!

3. They Don't Care:
Even though in their heart of hearts they will know their behavior holds no logical and plausible justifications, they will ensure to continue to be what they are towards you and without being apologetic even once they will royally piss you off by being even worse towards you. They don't care about you or for that matter anyone except themselves. Turn on your selfish-filters!

4. They Will Return Your Kindness With More Hurt:
Since its in their nature to be completely sadist, they will ensure to return your kindness with even more hurt. Usually this happens when you attempt to make things right with them. In the process, you will not hurt your esteem but will alsl go through fragile psychological state. Stop in your tracks if you are thinking to save the relationship by avoiding their narcissism and selfishness. By doing so you will only be minimized by them to a dust particle.

5. Going Low Gets Them High:
Bad humor, incessant sarcasm and below the belt remarks during an argument serves them well. Winning an argument or winning a situation means more to them and in that they feel zero hesitation in showing a complete lack of class.

6. Inflated Ego:
In general they don't have any dignity because they are the sort who would do anything and everything if they know something is in it for them. However, their ego would inflate only when they know YOU cannot serve them in any possible way. In that scenario, even if they are wrong they will stand like a 200 year old tree which does not move from its place no matter what.

Utter these marvelous three words to them and walk away!

7. No Empathy - No Sentiments:
Absence of empathy leads to their less understanding behavior and absence of sentiments euphemistically define their more animal like approach. Kind words or gestures are least expected from them as they are way too self-indulgent. Back off instantly when you see their indifference as it is chiefly because of lack of conscience.

Do not get yourself involved with anyone in any possible way who is deliberately inflicting emotional distress in you. Stay a thousand miles away from them and lead a happy cheery life!

Learn to stay firm and say NO to anyone having any of the above!

About the Author: Believes in herself!


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