7 Reasons Why Having Or Being A Sister Is All About Fun!

Eldest, youngest or in the middle, whichever category you fall into - if you are a sister or have one you know where I am going to go within next few moments.

A joy ride of a life that is filled with fun, humor, stupidity, picking up on each other, coded language (that no one can decipher except you), endless drama and lastly best friendship that brings you all the joy in the world.

Let's walk through you one of the wildest, craziest and most adorable ventures called - sisterhood.

1. Let's Be Super Goof:

Topping the charts on my idea of 'fun' is being goofy and lame to almost an unlimited extent. No judgement. No looking down upon you. No pretense at all. With your parents or even your friends you can not be completely all what you want to but with your sister you can literally be anything - like literally anything!

2. Barely Mind 24/7/365:

You don't care if she is having her down time and she doesn't care if you want to hang out with your friends. You don't need their permission to be in their lives and vice versa chiefly because you just don't get tired of each other.

3. Whats Yours Is Mine:

No matter how many restrictions you place on the usage of 'your' stuff it is deemed unnecessary. At the end of the day you are either begged or robbed and there is nothing you can do about it. Really, NOTHING. So, if its your wardrobe or your food, it has to be shared with or without consent. Let it be with consent!

4. Best Defender:
You can have a top notch cat-fight, clawing and meowing loudly at each other but if you are being ganged up on or opposed by others, you will find the best possible defense mechanism all charged up around you and kid you not that is the team world envies the most.

5. Chief Adviser:

Your choice of friends and the length of time they will stay in your life is determined by someone else too. That someone has a knack of knowing people before you do, usually, and if you don't listen to them you hear yourself saying to them, 'How right you were about this *$#@'!

Listen to that someone, listen to her!

6. High-end Drama:
Begins with a very small thing, followed by a gigantic and intense melodrama and ends up back to normal in just no time. You will be surprised at the dramatic unfold of dialogues and exaggerated facial expressions that are subdued by a hilarious remark you both cannot resist laughing.

7. Best Friends Forever:

You want to go for a movie or just want to enjoy a good conversation over a hot meal, you are distanced by a city or just a room, this bond is never going to let you feel bored. A partner, a friend a companion - that is the whole package for you there.

You are actually blessed if you have one or two sisters or have a bunch of them. Honestly, that is one of the BEST things you can cherish all your life. Tell her how much you love her and how much she means to you.

Go, go, go, do that, now!

About the Author: Believes in herself!


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