Chaos is a Ladder - World Politics In My Opinion!

If you watch Game of Thrones you most definitely have recalled the scene where Littlefinger describes how capitalizing on a situation can help you seize the power. 

Ongoing political scenario, world over, suggests that anyone having no compunction and an insatiable desire to rule can most of the times get away with doing almost anything they desire and that serve their vested interests.
If we call North Korea as the craziest country in the world we often end up blurring the background that has a history that dates back to the Korean War in 1950 which resulted in a huge number of war crimes as well; mostly committed by the US that elicited the response(s) from North Korea time and again. All we are seeing is a retaliation that is wrapped with anger and bitterness which to make things worse and is naively being returned by more sanctions. 

May it be Cuban Missile Crisis or Vietnam War or Iraq War or now a potential war with North Korea indicated by the highs and lows set at the break of weeks and sometimes months time - things have always been seen to be aggravated when they were dealt with a force coming from an imperial mindset. 

A small poor country not believing in democracy and on top of it dependent economically on the powerful giant is always an easy target to be propagandized as the gulag for its people and in essence is the totalitarian state which is least bothered with the prosperity of its own people. Therefore, this automatically makes the powerful one to sign up for the policing and reprimanding of such states rather than coming up with the ways to help the people they are worried about in the small and poor states. History tells us this has been happening from Latin America to Africa  to Middle East. In the fear of domino effect as a result of growing communism, wars have been waged which have resulted in only shame. Vietnam war. Ring any bells?

Moreover, when the same people are displaced as a result of the aggression between the smaller and the great rich states, they are not welcomed in the 'land of the free' who  apparently intend to set things in motion 'by force' for the betterment of the people suffering 'lack of democracy'.

Coming across Trump's one of the many reckless statements on things that concern anyone who thinks rationally; this one surprised me the most - Iran is not complying with the spirits of the nuclear deal sealed by Obama. If you call yourself humanitarian and a progressive country - act like one and bring an alignment between your values and foreign policy. I believe 2017 has been the year that has defied imperial mindset and imposition of  any form may it be coming from the since-always rebellious - North Korea or a long term ally that has been hugely dependent on the financial support - Pakistan.

Need of the hour is people in power thinking beyond wars and invasions for economic control and channelize their energies into ways that ensure peaceful coexistence - may it be via communism or democracy or any other way they could come up with. 

Sure, conflict-less world is a fantasy and I believe healthier conflicts are necessary for the diversity to sustain. However, when I sit down and analyse, all of it makes me wonder till how long things are going to be shaped by the people in power?

Rather, might as well we say that till how long power will be derived from chaos only because that would help them climbing the ladder.

About the Author: Believes in herself!


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