Power of Advertising!

In this day and age, advertising has become a greater part of our life in terms of defining our decision making and influencing our mindset. Watching your favorite sitcom or that much anticipated game, even if you mute down your TV, advertisements when take the screen space, your brain never ceases to process the images and messages being sent across to it. Along with that, billboards, magazines and anything our eyes are set on that captures our short or long run attention, revolves around advertising.

Being a graduate in Marketing and then having been associated to Marketing all along my career, I have been involved in shaping people's thoughts for a certain product and its image. I assure the reader, most of the time, its all about beating the competition and standing out by representing your product(s) as the best the customers can ever have.

It is not wrong to believe that where advertisements can pivot the entire mindset of an individual and eventually that of the society’s, it also portrays the preferences of different cultures. According to one school of psychologists, advertisements can 'subliminally stimulate' us which in turn can make us behave the way media wants us to. It may not hold valid, if totalitarian states like North Korea were not highlighted for their absolute control over the people via media. 

In the US, after 60s, there has been a huge paradigm shift especially when it comes to women and  I am sure, seeing those ads now may bring fury to a bigger segment of the society. 

It is not wrong to assume that the advertisement industry where instills a huge desire to own more and more of materials and raises unrealistic expectations, it also is very useful when it comes to addressing the issues within the society and culture that exist simultaneously.

Like since the past decade or so, India has leapfrogged in projecting their stance on various social issues. May it be via emotional marketing or celebrity endorsement; advertisements regarding domestic violence and abuse have especially created a great cross-border impact. (Confluence of both the countries Art and Media has a long history)

It is evident that the progressive countries abundantly realize that besides consumerism and materialism, advertising campaigns have an immensely powerful tendency to yield a great amount of psychological impact at large. Revolutionary changes are brought into the society via advertising in the developed countries. May they be revolving around health issues or use of technology.

However, when it comes to third world countries or the states that are governed by the policies set by a dictator, advertisements are a double-whammy for the people. Along with greed and desire for the material, lack of awareness about the fundamental aspects of life, offshoots the chaos that builds on illusions and underwhelming moral standards.

With globalization, things have dramatically changed. Someone in the far flung area of Africa may know about Coke but it is hard to imagine if he knows anything important that's affecting his life directly. The lukewarm will of the companies and the governments barely consider advertising a tool that may mould the lifestyle of the people of the under-developed countries in a better way.

I often stop to comprehend the meaninglessness of the ads that I come across, may it be revolving around on how to be thin like a Barbie or how to be able to jump off the cliff just by downing a black sugary drink. And being super honest, every time I am determined to believe that we are actually being made to not to think, not to process anything and just act as and how they want us to.

Sadly, right now they want us to be anything but happy from within.

About the Author: Believes in herself!


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