7 Signs You Are In A Healthy Relationship!

There is NO perfect relationship. Arguments, differences and well fights too are inevitable when it comes to a relationship between two different people. This, at times, leads us to believe that things have changed because 'they' have changed and so on and so forth. We are all different and unique in our own ways. Healthy differences are important for us in order to be challenged for our own personal growth. Things however seem to look imperfect when we get into situations when we start to doubt if it is what we have always wanted.

Good news is despite the imperfection of your relationship which may involve scores of differences, if you are happy and believe that every coming day is better than the one that has passed and its because of them that you look forward to the next day being brighter and cheerier; then accept my heartiest congratulations - you are in a healthy relationship!

Let me acquaint you with the following seven signs that are a reassurance package for your perfectly imperfect relationship:

1. You Accept Each Other:
When you are in a healthy relationship, the number one indication is that you accept each other even with the flaws. You may get sad and hurt and disappointed occasionally; however that negativity does not last too long as things are sorted out and everything is back to normal in no time.

2. You Are Not the Only One Working On It:
A parasitic relationship is when one becomes a complete giver and the other becomes the complete taker. On the contrary, a healthy relationship involves both of you keeping a balance and ensuring to not to use each other.

3. You Are Made to Feel Important:
You are always treated with respect and care and are never put in a position where you feel unimportant or unwanted. No matter how bad things go at some point of time, they will never devalue you by putting themselves and yourself in a position to lose you.

4. You Feel An Authentic But A Better Version of Yourself:
Around them you are not pretending to be someone you are not. You feel absolutely yourself; however they are your driving force to become a better version of yourself. You don't do things to impress them or anybody but its just that their energies and motivation will help you soar high. You will feel like thanking your lucky stars to be with someone like them.

5. You Have Open, Honest and Two-Way Communication:
When things are discussed, they get resolved. No communication is as hot as the one that is honest, open and two-way. Your arguments are not followed up by long spells of silence. You aim to resolve things - to find a solution to sustain it.

6. You Love the Fact You Are Not Single:
You feel free around them and you don't come across the feeling, 'I was better off single'! You love to share yourself with them and vice versa.

7. You Cannot Live Without Them:
Cliche ? Well, but this one is absolutely true. You actually believe that they are the right piece of your missing puzzle and you love them enough to think that you cannot afford to lose them to face that big of a void.

We are never perfect for each other. However, we all know the missing piece of our puzzle and we know they make our imperfect world - just perfect!

About the Author: Believes in herself!


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