Be Afraid To Be Afraid!
Sipping on my coffee and listening an interesting conversation of three students waiting for their class to begin was one of those days at the campus when I would want to keep analyzing human behavior till the point of exhaustion. Well, and to be super honest, that was not the first and last time I felt so, nevertheless the point of exhaustion has not arrived till now. Not that it happens sporadically but because the immensity of interest does not let me wear out. I really am not an expert in knowing people, not even close to an 'expert', however, I do know one chief common thing prevalent in majority of the people - 'emotions' . How people are going about their simple lives entangled in complicated emotions leading to their behavior is what fascinates me to the hilt. I can actually let my fingers walk over this keyboard, filling pages and pages on how interesting of a phenomenon it is for me. What piques my curiosity leads me to the finding that is closer ...